To get to know a church, it is helpful to know what that church understands as its’ own identity. That is why these ‘statements’ on our Name, Purpose, Vision, Mission, Strategy, and Structure are provided here for you. These ‘statements’ also serve as an excellent guide to pray for Embassy Church.
Our Name
Our church is located on an avenue in Washington, DC that is commonly called “Embassy Row”. Many nations of the world are represented here by embassies and their ambassadors. Our church is named Embassy Church because we humbly believe that we are called, by God’s grace, to represent Jesus to our city and world. That is why the defining verse in the Bible for our church is:
“Therefore we are ambassadors of Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God!’” (II Corinthians 5:20 NET)
The verses just before and after this one (vs. 20) speak about what God has done for us: that He has “reconciled us to Himself through Christ”; that He has not counted our sins against us; that He made Jesus “who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God”; and that as a result, we are a “new creation”, meaning that “what is old has passed away” and “what is new has come!” Because God has done all of this for us, the focus of our church is be ambassadors of Christ to bring others into relationship with Him.
“Therefore we are ambassadors of Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God!’” (II Corinthians 5:20 NET)
The verses just before and after this one (vs. 20) speak about what God has done for us: that He has “reconciled us to Himself through Christ”; that He has not counted our sins against us; that He made Jesus “who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God”; and that as a result, we are a “new creation”, meaning that “what is old has passed away” and “what is new has come!” Because God has done all of this for us, the focus of our church is be ambassadors of Christ to bring others into relationship with Him.
Our Purpose
Building a Home for God
Here Among the Nations In Our Nation's Capital
Passionately Pursuing God's Presence
Compassionately Representing God's Love
Here Among the Nations In Our Nation's Capital
Passionately Pursuing God's Presence
Compassionately Representing God's Love
Our Vision
Our Vision is to become …
… a place and people of God’s PRESENCE in Washington, DC
(II Chronicles 5:13-14; Exodus 33:14; John 15:5)
… a “house of PRAYER for all nations”
(Mark 11:17; I Timothy 2:1-4)
… a Church that cares for the spiritually, materially, and relationally POOR
(Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; Luke 4:18; 12:33)
… a people who receive POWER of the Holy Spirit to witness
(Acts 4:33; 1:8; 2:1-47; 10:1-48; 19:1-7; II Corinthians 5:20)
… a ministry that PLANTS ministries and ministers in our city and world
(Acts 13:1-4; Matthew 28:18-20)
… a place and people of God’s PRESENCE in Washington, DC
(II Chronicles 5:13-14; Exodus 33:14; John 15:5)
… a “house of PRAYER for all nations”
(Mark 11:17; I Timothy 2:1-4)
… a Church that cares for the spiritually, materially, and relationally POOR
(Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; Luke 4:18; 12:33)
… a people who receive POWER of the Holy Spirit to witness
(Acts 4:33; 1:8; 2:1-47; 10:1-48; 19:1-7; II Corinthians 5:20)
… a ministry that PLANTS ministries and ministers in our city and world
(Acts 13:1-4; Matthew 28:18-20)
Our Mission
Our Mission as Christ’s Ambassador is to …
… pursue authentic Christianity through Biblical discipleship
… fervently commit to powerful prayer
… wholly give ourselves to the passionate worship
… practice loving hospitality by welcoming and caring for people of all nations, cultures, and generations, and of any social, economic, political, and religious background
… develop real community through small groups
… care for the spiritually, relationally, and economically poor of our city and world through compassionate outreach
… accomplish strategic missions by preparing and sending Christian leaders to our city and world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
… pursue authentic Christianity through Biblical discipleship
… fervently commit to powerful prayer
… wholly give ourselves to the passionate worship
… practice loving hospitality by welcoming and caring for people of all nations, cultures, and generations, and of any social, economic, political, and religious background
… develop real community through small groups
… care for the spiritually, relationally, and economically poor of our city and world through compassionate outreach
… accomplish strategic missions by preparing and sending Christian leaders to our city and world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our Strategy
Our STRATEGY involves the five primary Strategic Actions of our Church …
Small Groups called FAMILY GROUPS
Discover Your Destiny SCHOOL OF LEADERS
Our STRATEGY is sustained by three primary means of support …
Prayer, Personnel, and Finances
Small Groups called FAMILY GROUPS
Discover Your Destiny SCHOOL OF LEADERS
Our STRATEGY is sustained by three primary means of support …
Prayer, Personnel, and Finances
Our Structure
Our STRUCTURE is determined by the true nature of God’s Church which is…
A People Who Belong to God (Matthew 16:18; I Timothy 3:15)
Therefore, the priority of ministry is people, not property or programs.
A Fellowship (Acts 2:42)
Therefore, a top priority is harmony and unity.
A Family (I Peter 2:17; 3:8)
Therefore, we operate primarily on the basis of relationships, not rules and regulations.
A Body (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 4:15; I Peter 2:5)
Therefore, we operate on the basis of spiritual gifts, not elected offices; with ministry not maintenance as our focus, convinced that all members of God’s Church are ministers in God’s church.
A Flock (Acts 20:28; John 21:16-17; I Peter 5:1-3; Ephesians 4:11-13)
Therefore, the church is cared for and led by shepherds (pastors/elders), who serve as examples for every follower of Jesus to be a leader of others.
A People Who Belong to God (Matthew 16:18; I Timothy 3:15)
Therefore, the priority of ministry is people, not property or programs.
A Fellowship (Acts 2:42)
Therefore, a top priority is harmony and unity.
A Family (I Peter 2:17; 3:8)
Therefore, we operate primarily on the basis of relationships, not rules and regulations.
A Body (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 4:15; I Peter 2:5)
Therefore, we operate on the basis of spiritual gifts, not elected offices; with ministry not maintenance as our focus, convinced that all members of God’s Church are ministers in God’s church.
A Flock (Acts 20:28; John 21:16-17; I Peter 5:1-3; Ephesians 4:11-13)
Therefore, the church is cared for and led by shepherds (pastors/elders), who serve as examples for every follower of Jesus to be a leader of others.